| Profiles CheckPoint 360°™
Multi-Rater Peer Review and SkillBuilder System |
I. The CheckPoint 360° Multi-Rater Peer Review
The Profiles Checkpoint Peer Review is a powerful professional development tool, designed to positively impact a manager's growth and career, and an organization's success. For managers, supervisors and others in leadership positions, it can facilitate peak performance that generates improved productivity in the workplace.
Profile's Checkpoint Peer Review quantifies a manager's competencies, verifies the results from a variety of perspectives, and identifies ways to enhance skills. For one individual or for every leader in the organization, the Checkpoint Peer Review allows you to graphically display the relationship between how employees see themselves and how others see them:
Executive Overview Overview of Self vs. All Observers
Checkpoint Peer Review is an ongoing process that can be used at key intervals to monitor the progress of professional growth. This confidential survey covers 70 specific job skills, which fall into 8 major Skill Clusters and 18 Skill Groups. These classifications aid in both organizing the survey and in reporting the results. These 70 items are the most universally required for success in leadership, management, supervision, and effective team participation.
II. Organizational Managerial Analysis Report (OMA)
The Organizational Management Analysis Report summarizes everyone who has taken a 360 Checkpoint Multi-rater Peer Review by team, department or by organization. You pick the group to be included in each Analysis.
III. The Checkpoint SkillBuilder™ Series
The next step is the use of Profiles SkillBuilder Series. After managers have used the Checkpoint 360° Competency Feedback System to identify their strengths and areas for development, they can use the Checkpoint SkillBuilder Series to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success.
The Checkpoint SkillBuilder Series is conveniently located on the Internet, making it easy to implement and execute. The Checkpoint SkillBuilder Series is an organized, self-paced, self-study professional development system that requires minimal HR effort. It contains thoroughly researched material that helps managers improve performance in all competencies.
SkillBuilder applies Profiles' unique KSS system to help managers KEEP DOING the things they do well, STOP DOING those things that interfere with their effectiveness, and START DOING things that will improve their performance.
SkillBuilder encourages managers to perform their jobs better. It gives emphasis to the importance of managers to the organization and its goals and pays big dividends in the form of improved productivity, fewer "people problems," increased employee retention, and greater profits.
SkillBuilder is an ideal method for managers to improve their leadership and management skills. It can be used anywhere and at any time because it is on the Internet
Managers participating in the Checkpoint SkillBuilder Series find it easy and convenient. After responding to questions and doing online exercises, they click a button on the screen to print a customized 20-25 page Self-improvement Report that forms an "Action Plan" for professional and personal development.
Using SkillBuilder pays big dividends because productivity, cooperation, communication, employee retention and profits increase while "people problems" are reduced.
The Checkpoint SkillBuilder Series is the easy, effective system for better management. It gives managers the tools they need to maximize their strengths, become better managers, and lead more effectively!